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We welcome you to participate in the South Central LTC RISE Pilot Project

Does the staff in your facility need educational resources? If so, we can provide free training for you! Participate in educational workshops with the following RISE partners:

  • Seniority Healthcare: Diabetes Education and Dementia Care (Contact Marissa Morris)
  • Medical Reserve Corps: PPE Training and Mask Fit Testing (Contact Brittney Fuhrman)
  • ECRI: Quality Improvement  (Contact Jean Harpel)

Your staff can earn a debit card of $20 for up to 30 min of education and $40 for sessions between 30 min and 1 hour.​

The education can be provided onsite or virtually based on your availability.

To register, please contact: or the respective RISE point of contacts for our partners.

Have a question or need more information? We're here to help.

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